Marco da Silva Ferreira


Marco da Silva Ferreira

Marco da Silva Ferreira
4250-504 Sandim
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Marco da Silva Ferreira Marco da Silva Ferreira 4250-504 Sandim Otras provincias Otras Comunidades

Marco da Silva Ferreira was born in 1986 from Santa Maria da Feira and graduated in  physiotherapy by Instituto Piaget, Gaia (2010), a career who has never exercised but who  focuses his studies on Health Sciences. The body practice began in 1996 through  sport, specifically high-performance swimming, but in 2002 superseded to give way to body practices in the performing arts. His path was self-taught through dance styles that  flowed in an urban context, pop culture and clubbing connections. Between 2002 and 2010 the  focus and lexicons of dance became increasingly diverse and closer to contemporary  improvisation tools and composition. In 2010, he won the TV contest So you think you can dance- Portugal. Marco is a professional dancer since 2008 to choreographers as Andre? Mesquita, Hofesh  Shechter, Sylvia Rijmer, Tiago Guedes, Victor Hugo Pontes, Paulo Ribeiro among others. 

As choreographer, the highlights in Marco’s career are HU(R)MANO (2013) which was in the Aerowaves  Priority Companies (2015) and was performed in national and international circuits until  2018. BROTHER (2016) consolidated an authorial discourse in a line of reflection on dance  and its meaning nowadays, creating connections with its origins and drawing bridges with contemporaneity. Brother premiered at Teatro Municipal do Porto-Rivoli and has toured  extensively internationally and nationally, having also participated in Aerowaves Priority  Companies 2018. Bisonte (2019) is a performative identity that floats between hysterism and melancholy, playing with gender masks, power and fragility. Corpos De Baile (2020) choreographed for Portuguese National Ballet Company, plays around the personal identity inside a corps de ballet and ignited the research of CARCAÇA (2023). SIRI  (2021) is a collaborative work with the portuguese filmaker Jorge Ja?come part of the Foundation d’entreprise He?rmes - New Setting Program.In 2022 premiered førma Inførma (2022) with the South African Company Via  Katlehong in Julidans festival, a dance piece that crosses pantsula dance with other street dances setting a ritual of claim - space, time and presence; Fantasie Minor (2022) is a duet invited by CND de Caen with two young dancers based in Fantasie minor from Schubert played in 4 hands piano. C A R C A Ç A (2022) is a 12 performer piece that thinks about collective identity, cultural preservation and transformation. Carcaça was one of the projects chosen to integrate Big Pulse Dance Alliance. In 2024 Marco will choreograph- a folia (2024) to  Ballet de Lorraine based on the musique composition from the old Portugal in the XV century.

Marco was associated artist in Teatro Municipal do Porto (2018/2019), Centre Chore?graphique National de Caen in Normandie (2019/ 2020/ 2021) and currently of Maison de la Danse - Lyon (2023-2025).

Teaser Carcaça