[RITMI SOTTERRANEI] Contemporary Dance Company is an Italian Dance Company specialized in choreography and performance. It is born in the 2002 thanks to Alessia Gatta‘s idea to gather up different artists in a collective,whose main objective was the research and the experimentation of various kinds of expressive languages. The starting point has always been Thought/Body/Space. Thought in the sense of concept, conscience, ideas, desires. Body in the sense of the whole spectrum of the dynamic functions. Space considered as everythink could be around us. Since the foundation, Gatta created different kind of production;some of them, as Sospeso tra le correnti (2008), Cemento (2011) Amazon (2013) Weltflucht (2014) and Convivio (2015) are studied to lie in spaces like theatres, others productions need urban places to be exalted. That’s why lot of Companies like BMW Group Italia, Bags Entertainement, Natura&Architettura, Ideameeting, CORE, Musical Box, AltaRoma, AltaModa and Istituto Quasar commissioned site specific works from Gatta.
Her particular attencion for the Space is a predominant characteristic of Alessia Gatta’s works.The strong interaction with the surrounding environment come from all the different sightof her identity, from the dance to the architecture studies,from the spatial structure to the culture.in our contemporary culture, EXTERNAL goads arouse us continuously , so architectural spaces has an unavoidable funcion as refuge. Pleces where Gatta’s performances take place often influece her works and are a significant part of their majesty. These works could be considered as underground structures whose fight to emenge from the ground represents encounter between the bodies’ moviment and nature. The requirement to sink under the ground to be soared towards the sky, beyond the hostilities of the daily routine. Not draft of a psychological stratagem: it is also a way to explore the true meaning of the exposure’s subjects. The impulse to create is born from the low and the interiority, in order to lead towards the light, but never neglecting the origins of the gesture. In their works, Alessia Gatta and the Ritmi Sotterranei try to find the“beauty”, being grazed the thin comparison between dance and art.
"Dance can be considered complete only when there is a human being experiences it. If we don’t cross the ambiguous border of human soul…..happiness, affections, tranquillity, tensions,dance can not achieve her real vocation.This is the real habitat where dance have to lie. An habitat which is difficolt to define. Only after a deep inquiry into both the imagination and the reality, dance can exist as an expession and can be rise in the rank of Art.(Alessia Gatta)
Our mind is a wonderful machine, but the union of different minds can exceed it. That’s why the collaborations with other artists, such as Quiet Ensemble for the multimedia installations, Viola Pantano for the photography, Giovanni Fontana for the sonorous poetry, show a visceral will to interchange.
Since 2014 the company collaborates with Aurelio Gatti’s MDA produzioni danza, a stable company recognized by MIBAC – Italian Ministry for the Cultural Heritage.